Harmon Schlueter

Harmon Schlueter

Sophomore, BS in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering & Engineering Science

Hometown: Concord, NC

Why did I choose Mechanical Engineering at UNC-Charlotte: I chose to major in Mechanical Engineering at UNC Charlotte because of my passion for understanding how things work and my desire to create and design new technologies. From my research, I found that the program at UNC Charlotte offered a practical, hands-on approach and boasted strong ties to local industries, making it an ideal place to develop my skills and prepare for a successful career in the field.

Ask me about: Ask me about aerospace engineering, neural network development, or diesel engines. With my current knowledge in these fields, I can help provide insight on a range of topics. Whether you’re interested in aerodynamics, propulsion systems, and materials in aerospace engineering, the intricacies of developing neural networks for AI applications, or the inner workings and optimization of diesel engines, feel free to inquire and delve into these subjects.

Personal Website: www.linkedin.com/in/harmon-schlueter