49ers Racing Team Snags 2nd Place overall in International FSAE Competition

Categories: Departmental News

Charlotte’s Formula SAE Internal Combustion team 49ers Racing competed at the annual Formula SAE Internal Combustion competition at Michigan International Speedway from May 7-11 2024. In this year’s competition, the team earned its best result in program history with a 2nd place overall out of 115 other domestic and international teams.

The 49ers Racing Team also placed in the top 10 spots in other events as well:

  • 2nd place – Overall
  • 3rd place – Autocross
  • 3rd place – Endurance
  • 4th place – Business Preparation
  • 5th place – Skidpad
  • 6th place – Efficiency

Read more about their success in the news article that also published on William States Lee College of Engineering.