Departmental News
Collaboration between MEES/UNC Charlotte and UNESP-Brazil in high-speed machining of nickel-based alloys using ceramic cutting tools
We are delighted to welcome Professor Marcos Valério Ribeiro from Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil, as a visiting professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science, of the William States Lee College of Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Prof. Valério Ribeiro is collaborating with Prof. Jose Outeiro and other colleagues from the […]

MEES Department awarded measurement instrument
The William States Lee College of Engineering department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science (MEES) was one of 12 institutions, who submitted an application to Gentec-EO and received an award. Given the choice of many different awards, the MEES department selected the UP55N-300F-H12-INT-D0, which is a thermal detector for laser power measurement up to 300 W. […]

STEAM Sports Foundation Scholarship Awarded to Charlotte Motorsport Student, Ximena Garcia-Pena
Ximena Garcia-Pena was on of seven female minority students throughout the US to be awarded $5,000 by STEAM Sports Foundation to pursue their dreams to become engineers or technicians in the automotive and motorsports industry. Ximena Garcia-Pena was a member of Charlotte’s recent award-winning FSAE team where her research and documentation of airflow, design, and patterns […]

49ers Racing Team Snags 2nd Place overall in International FSAE Competition
Charlotte’s Formula SAE Internal Combustion team 49ers Racing competed at the annual Formula SAE Internal Combustion competition at Michigan International Speedway from May 7-11 2024. In this year’s competition, the team earned its best result in program history with a 2nd place overall out of 115 other domestic and international teams. Read more about their […]

2024 AIChE Future Leader-Young Investigator Research Award
Dr. Erina Joyee, an Assistant Professor at the department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science, has received the “2024 AIChE Future Leader-Young Investigator Research Award”. This prestigious award reflects her substantial contributions and dedication to the field of hybrid-composite materials and additive manufacturing (AM). The award also celebrates the innovation and excellence of Dr. Joyee’s work that […]

Unraveling the secrets to tougher materials to support safer, lower cost energy production
Youxing Chen, assistant professor of mechanical engineering with W.S. Lee College of Engineering and the Energy Production and Infrastructure Center, has earned an NSF CAREER Award for his research proposal, “Atomic-level understanding of stability and transition kinetics of 3-dimensional interfaces under irradiation.” The NSF’s award of $555,785 supports Chen’s study of metallic nanostructure, which will […]

UNC Charlotte celebrated national championship NASCAR driver Alan Kulwicki on December 14, what would have been his 69th birthday. The William States Lee College of Engineering motorsports students hosted “Underbird Rising – Alan D. Kulwicki Legacy Lunch” to commemorate the impact made on Niner Nation.

When Sofia Verdi was deciding on a university, her top two choices were UNC Charlotte and Virginia Tech. “One deciding factor was Charlotte’s rapid growth and the resources invested in the engineering program,” Verdi said. As she would soon discover, her decision was on target and would provide direct, positive impact for her college career. “I’m […]

Rocketry Team Places 2nd Overall
UNC Charlotte’s 49er Rocketry Team took Second place in the launch division of the 2023 NASA Student Launch Competition. The competition took place in April in Huntsville, Alabama. Each year, NASA challenges middle school, high school, college and university students from across the United States to design, build and launch a high-powered amateur rocket, fly […]

49ers Racing Team Places 9th at Competition
UNC Charlotte’s Formula SAE Team, 49ers Racing, brings home 9th place out of 119 teams after competing at the Michigan International Speedway for combustion cars in May 2023 for the FSAE Competition. The also got 3rd overall in Endurance, 2nd overall in Efficiency, and 23rd overall in Design, just off of an 11-way tie for […]