Departmental News

49ers Racing Team Places 9th at Competition
UNC Charlotte’s Formula SAE Team, 49ers Racing, brings home 9th place out of 119 teams after competing at the Michigan International Speedway for combustion cars in May 2023 for the FSAE Competition. The also got 3rd overall in Endurance, 2nd overall in Efficiency, and 23rd overall in Design, just off of an 11-way tie for […]

Rocketry Team Places 2nd Overall
UNC Charlotte’s 49er Rocketry Team took Second place in the launch division of the 2023 NASA Student Launch Competition. The competition took place in April in Huntsville, Alabama. Each year, NASA challenges middle school, high school, college and university students from across the United States to design, build and launch a high-powered amateur rocket, fly […]

Dr. Schmid Recognized by Manufacturing Engineering Society
The Awards Commission of the international Sociedad de Ingenieria de Fabricacion (SIF) -Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES) has awarded Dr. Steve Schmid, professor of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science at UNC Charlotte, and Serope Kalpakjian, professor emeritus at Illinois Tech, the 2021 SIF-MES Award for their “valuable contributions to the dissemination of manufacturing process engineering and […]

Mechanical Engineering Alumnus Wins Postdoc Recognition
Shank Kulkarni, a UNC Charlotte Mechanical Engineering alumnus and now a postdoctoral researcher at Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL), was named a runner-up in the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) Postdoctoral Recognition Award, where he was recognized for “exceptional research innovation in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.” “This is a great achievement for […]

Mechanical Engineering Student Selected for NASA Internship
NC Space Grant announced its 2021 class of summer interns, which includes UNC Charlotte Mechanical Engineering master’s student Letice Bussiere. This summer will be Bussiere’s second internship with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. She has also been selected as a recipient of the NC Space Grant to fund the internship. NC Space Grant collaborates with […]

Dr. Jun Xu’s Team Wins $1M DOE Project Award
The Department of Energy has awarded a grant to Dr. Jun Xu for the $1-million research project “Enabling Advanced Electrode Architecture Through Printing Technique.” The project involves the research and development of a novel printing process for high-volume electrode production with controlled electrode architecture. This technology will be used to enable manufacturing lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) […]

Dr. Mullany Named CIRP Fellow and SME NAMRI President Elect
Dr. Brid Mullany was made a fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) in 2019, and is the President Elect for SME’s North American Manufacturing Research Institute (NAMRI). Dr. Mullany is a MEES Professor and Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering. She is nationally and internationally recognized for her work […]

MEES Alumni Named SME Outstanding Young Engineers
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) has named MEES alumni Andrew Honeycutt (Ph.D. 2018) and Nick Horvath (Ph.D. 2020) as 2021 Geoffrey Boothroyd Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineers. The Geoffrey Boothroyd Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineers, age 35 or younger, are recognized for their exceptional contributions and accomplishments in the manufacturing industry. Each year, the award is […]

Adapting Instrumentation Lab 3171L to Changing Times
As the lead graduate teaching assistant for Instrumentation Lab 3171L, Mohan Surya Raja Elapolu has had to do a lot of adapting in fall 2020, as the laboratory class has become a combination of online, in-class, video and hybrid learning. A Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science Ph.D. student whose research focuses on computational modeling, Elapolu […]

2020 New Faculty
The Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science Department welcomed four new faculty members to the fall 2020 semester. With experience and education from some of the finest companies and institutions in the world, these educators bring expertise to our classrooms and laboratories in engineering fields including manufacturing, motorsports, robotics and more. Dr. Charles H. Jenckes Assistant […]